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We have been searching to buy a house in Eindhoven for a few years. We were introduced to Susan during our house search via our church friend. For us Susan became a lucky talisman.
We could buy our dream house so quickly after few meetings with Susan. Of course, it looked lucky but Susan made it to look like that. The important characteristics of Susan is that she is very enthusiastic and informative about real estate business, quickly understood what our dream house should be, very focused and even biked herself in search of our dream house, has a nice smile and more importantly she likes and has passion for her job and the list goes on….

What I found an interesting quality of Susan is her ease in bringing two parties into consensus via making people known to respect each other’s opinions and situations. Of course, persons who are selling and buying the house are emotional and financially connected to the house. Susan has a soft touch on human emotions at the same time understands the financial limitations of both parties. Susan’s negotiation skills made things look easy for both parties and came to consensus within a few meetings. I strongly recommend her if you have dreams in buying a house. Also, my best wishes for Susan as an entrepreneur. Kudos to Susan “

Anonymous Client (confidential)
Project: Real Estate – Advisor


“Sinds januari 2019 wordt Susan dikwijls door ons ingezet als Evenementenbegeleider en bevalt ons prima. Ze is een professional in haar vak. Kan uitstekend communiceren en entertainen. Komt altijd haar afspraken na en is integer. Een prettige collega om mee samen te werken.”

Managing Director
Relactive part of QMandS BV | Eventagency


“Eén brok energie en oprecht enthousiasme; dat is Susan in een notendop. Een echte netwerker, iemand die verbindt en inspireert. Klein maar heel fijn! Een plezier om mee samen te werken, te sparren en connecten. Ze neemt zichzelf én anderen altijd serieus en kan van één plus één minimaal een drie maken. Topper!”

Creative Journalist | Copywriter | Freestyle


“Susan is very service-oriented and willing to adjust to different styles of working together. Besides that she really wants deliver quality. Good spirit, nice to work with and she finds time to show personal interest in you as a direct colleague as well.”

Co-Owner | Managing Partner | Executive Advisor
Baldr & Frigg BV
